The Mantles

Ah man I'm such a sucker for the humid jangle of The Mantles. Coming pretty quick on the heels of both The Mantles' previous record and a solo LP for Glenn Donaldson's Fruits and Flowers label, one would think that Michael Olivares would be tapped out at this point. But, to the contrary, All Odds End seems to be just as stacked and stocked with catchy strums and unquenchable energy as ever. Maybe the introduction of new members Carly Putnam on Keys and Matt Bullimore on bass reinvigorated the driving forces. Its a more rhythmic record than perhaps they've produced in years past, but even more than that, its the clearest vision of The Mantles that's ever come out of the studio. Could be the watchful eye of Jason Quever that's helping here. The Papercuts leader was responsible for back catalog gem "Don't Lie" and subsequently took over recording duties on this album. It seems that he and Olivares squeeze the best out of each other, the melodies and shades on All Odds End sparkle brighter than ever, wistful sighs given a lush field of color. If ever there was a perfect album to usher in the advent of sweater weather it might be this one. A pair of headphones and a brisk walk might be just the thing you need.
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