
That Chad Ubovich has done time with both Mikal Cronin and Ty Segall (in Fuzz) should come as little surprise from the charismatic crunch of Meatbodies' proper debut for In The Red. The album's got more than a few touchstones that gave those two entrance to garage rock legend; hooks that reach for the rafters, enough fuzz to level an elementary school and controlled chaos via Eric 'King Riff' Bauer behind the boards. After a low key tape snuck out on Ty's GOD? records Ubovich swapped out Chad and The Meatbodies for the shorter handle and with it a broader spectrum and this set of songs that seem primed for bigger venues and long nights on the turntable. Meatbodies tend to wander through all the same frantic garage and psych touchstones of fellow orbiters Wand (who they've released a split with) and in truth both of their albums would make for an excellent road trip pair. Provided your road trip dipped through as many back country dive bars you could find, bedded you down under the northern lights and washed the day down with pop rocks and a whiskey chaser. Ubovich is at his best when all the knobs are twiddled to their furthest reaches, screaming skull on fire, face melting riffs and the psychedelic drive pushing towards that redline. Its certainly well within the scope of his compatriots, but just like them, the boy's got moxie.
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