Hedvig Mollestad Trio

I'm sure I'm late to this one, come out as it did in April but who cares once the thrum of Norwegian jazz with a Sabbath pulse hits the speakers. Its hard not to spread a little love. I know that the jazz tag might scare some away (though why should it) but there are few trios in which the term 'face melter' gets applied to these days and this is certainly the case with HMT. The heady centerpiece "Arigato, Bitch" breaks out of a low lying fog of doom riffs to swamp down quickly to a noodling exploratory core before kicking back towards a thunder of guitar to close. Its not the only track to devolve into a din of locked note inroads that split the hairs between metal and jazz. The combo is tearing apart the DNA of both forms to splice a monster of unchecked fluid aggression with Enfant. And make no mistake, Mollestad is the anchor here, her thick and thundered riffs bring the trio screaming from the speakers, though her rhythm section certainly lacks no ability to hang on in her wake, amiably weaving a storm of bass and drums between the hammered hits and stoner sludge. It takes a certain talent to bridge the river between Paal Nilssen-Love and Tony Iommi but it seems that Mollestad and crew are well up to the task.
Its also well worth checking them out live. Missed 'em at SXSW but here's hoping they return soon:
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