New Bums

On the heels of their self-released 7", New Bums, the collaborative project from Donovan Quinn and Ben Chasney, offers an album's worth of perfectly pitched loner folk. Eschewing much of its participants handholds in the psych realm, the record ops for a more straightforward approach that's steeped in isolation and drowned in late night whiskey odes. Perhaps nothing could sum this record up more than its own title, Voices in a Rented Room has the feeling of transience; loneliness on a night in a bed that's not your own. Its equal parts motel room floor and back porch, though both tones have a thread of three AM restlessness running through them. New Bums acts as a perfect distillation of Ben and Donovan's styles, with Quinn's high, plaintive croon adding just the right amount of sighed reflection to Chasney's plucks and storied runs down the fretboard. The album winds up seeming like a private press gem found amongst the cluttered racks and bins in a store with a well curated collection of 70's outsider heroes on tap. It seems so familiar, while at the same time feeling like a secret that you only share with those who'd truly appreciate the find.
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Would love to see Ben & Donovan getting it on sexually as they do musically.
Forget their girls...superfluous at this stage of the game!
Just my opinion- Ben, I know you have it in you!
Nice song, long forward to the LP.
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