Natural Child

Natural Child offer up their most satisfying album yet. The band have always had one foot in the garage and the other in their Nashville bar band country boy roots but they've never fully embraced that latter side of themselves. Where they've often taken to the studio with a harder edge, on Dancin' With Wolves they let the country shine through with a healthy dose of twang, slide licks and a lackadaisical attitude of late night come downs and low swung country rompers. Its a good fit for sure and probably a direction they should have more fully explored before now. They've got the good ol' boy moves down stocking the songs here full of cheap domestics with whiskey on the side and keeping the bar dancing 'til last call. But, even as this is their most rootsy, its also their most well crafted record, with a studio sheen not seen in their older offerings and that clarity fits them just as well as the twang. Dug in nice like a lost 70's classic, the record is warm and inviting through the end.
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