
Joane Skyler

Joane Skyler's debut tape Orz is a hefty bit of float and buzz that throws her quickly into contention with Cupp Cave and Paco Sala for some of our favorite bits of electronic flotsam on the horizon. Bringing to mind Stellar Om Source and bits of Demdike Stare and Boards of Canada in various flickers of haunted synth and faded collage electronics respectively, the album follows the lead of those that cut paths before her but its skill lies in stitching those paths together into a tapestry that skews several directions without ever sounding scattered. The release eases in with gentle float before seeping down dark gratings to subterranean breaks laced with nightmare echoes, faded vocal transmissions and the buzzing grind of vengeful acidic keys. Beats shift and contort over the course from hard and driving to fractured and glitchy, winding their way between the crackle and hum of drones and crumpled electrics. Endlessly immersive, the album ends far too soon and so its a fine candidate for the repeat button, looping endlessly through tunnels of glycerin sheen that sparkle best through headphones to transform Skyler's world into your own.


Support the artist. Buy it: HERE (tape) or HERE (digital)
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posted by dissensous at 9:27:00 AM


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