Terror of the Deep

Night People are sorely correct in their assessment of Terror of the Deep, they are criminally under-known, but hopefully another cracking album should alleviate a bit of that obscurity. The band follows on their excellent album from last year with a more precise and melodically taught collection, building on the stand out moments from Airport Underneath the Dome like "I Am Ocean" and honing them into a bittersweet album of jangle-pop gems. Permanent Weekend is a more mature album, not as erratically uninhibited but also sonically layered with a wild temper peeking out from all corners. There's still that spirit of DIY rattling inside each song and keeping anything from becoming too buttoned down. The band are certainly enmeshed with their Kiwi Pop roots and any fan of New Zealand bands from Flying Nun staples to current day South Hemi janglers should dig into this release with eager ears.
Support the artist. Buy it: HERE

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