
The Heads' Paul Allen breaks out solo to record an album of kraut-drenched psych excursions that will definitely appeal to fans of the Bristolian musician's day racket, but he adds a touch of subtlety beyond the fuzz soaked riffs as well. The self-titled affair, on the ever reliable Rocket Recordings, explodes into a fiery Ash-Ra Temble grooved / Acid Mother's Temple riffed opener but soon settles down into a more sedate and drone oriented brand of psychedelia that lets in acoustic elements and shuffling grooves owing more to Neu and Cluster than to their fiery followers. The record is dark and often tipped on a nervous knife edge of rhythmic tension which Allen uses to stack the album with complex layers of emotion not always straining through your average psych offering. Adding to the fray are contributions from noise collective Big Naturals, who fill out sections with their chaotic touch of drumming and electronics, enhancing Allen's vision even further. The record builds to a powerful climax on the 16+ minute centerpiece "Entropy," which tips the album further down the abyss of epicness and makes as powerful a statement as anything that Allen has set forth with The Heads. Well worth checking into this one.
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