Spectral Park

60's psych pop seems to be having a bit of a moment over the past few months, with Jacco Gardner, The Sufis, Resonars, The Resonars, White Fence, The Paperhead and plenty more taking more than a few strolls through Syd Barrett's garden for inspiration. Mexican Summer has picked up one more piece of the splatter sound puzzle with Spectral Park, the working name for Luke Donovan's musical output. The record doesn't play as close to its source as most of those, but Donovan surely has a record collection touching on a lot of the same artists as those bands. Rather than stick to straight homage, Donovan, much like those younguns over in Foxygen, takes the psych influences and bends them through the prism of current technology and perspective and mashes the sounds into a fine psychedelic pulp. The album stretches flower child guitar lines through warped effects and flashes of Bowie through locked in beats that propel Donovan's songs like a frantic run through an endless stream of 60's youtube clips. Somehow the past gazing and sequenced psych impulses work out, as Donovan seems to have had a vision in mind when he began. It all melds into a pinwheel flash of giddy, bittersweet pop that feels like a memory you can't place.
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