
Major Stars

In one respect its hard to believe this is Major Stars' eighth album, but then again Wayne Rogers and Kate Biggar have been cone-toasting psych jams for more years than just the Stars' discography would give credit for. With rostered time in Crystallized Movements, The Magic Hour and Vermonster, the two have credit to spare in the heavy ranks of psych's pantheon. Their last couple of albums backed off the vigor, stripped down the scale and pulled their excesses in, but thankfully they've done away with all that and given back in to the impulses of expansive guitar tsunami. This album marks the debut of their new singer, Hayley Thompson-King, whose voice has an effect landing somewhere between Corrine Tucker or 90's Liz Phair fronting Blue Cheer. This one lands them in good company, occasionally bringing to mind other current amplifier-melters White Hills, though nowhere near as sinister or quite as explosive as they tend to be. Its been a long road for the band and they prove that they've still got some fight left in them on Decibels of Gratitude


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posted by dissensous at 9:14:00 AM


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