

Around these parts we'd been expecting a Warm Soda full length to come along somewhere down the line and perfectly encapsulate the '79/'80 axis and the soft punk shimmy of power pop, however it seems that Games has come along and filled that order sooner than expected. Mining the same quarries of power pop confection; The Quick, Raspberries, Shoes and to a lesser extent Milk n' Cookies (though Jeremy Thompson's voice doesn't quite get that high register yearning), the eponymous debut is an endearing record that swoons and swings like a rock record should. However, it all stays on the well-mannered side of the fence, and doesn't swing too far into that punk crunch that would develop later in power pop's pedigree. But where Games lack a gnarled punch, they make up for it in heart-swelling odes and earnest delivery. Thompson cut his teeth in The Busy Signals as well as an early line up of The Carbonas and its easy to see that the time there was well spent, leading to this platter of spot on pop that sits well with the reputation of his former stomping grounds while ending up feeling like a lost classic just waiting to be dug out of the crates.


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posted by dissensous at 10:06:00 AM


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