

Feel like there's been a lack of fanfare on Emeralds' follow up to Does It Look Like I'm Here?, but the Cleveland enclave takes another dark, saturated trip down the synth rabbit hole with pretty stellar results. Maybe the tide of analog praise is pulling back, but that just leaves the truly devout to master their craft outside the expectations of leery onlookers. The new album focuses heavier on beat and the oilslick sheen of McGuire's guitar lines. The first half has a blurred neon drive feel to it, pulsing like a slow descent into inebriation and numbness. On the second half it delves deeper into the darkness a slow lurching dance towards pin lights in the distance and like the title track implies, letting yourself bleed just to feel anything. Its both an accessible step forward and darker declaration of desire than Emeralds have put forth in the past but one that seems fitting given their trajectory.


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posted by dissensous at 8:39:00 AM


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