Blank Realm
Always satisfying to hear another band that's been bubbling on the edge of promise really hit home with a savage LP that plays to their strengths and cuts deep for blood. Brisbane's Blank Realm have had a steady stream of noisy cuts on Not Not Fun, Digitalis, Bedroom Suck and Negative Guest List and they've all caught the ears of RSTB at one time or another but until now nothing's stuck. Their latest, Go Easy, finds them lighting their post-punk leanings on fire, delving further into pop jangle, torching the bridges and going further into the noise-punk territory with a record that's wholly satisfying. It opens with a growl before launching into the jangled sprawl of "Cleaning Up My Mess", one of the most spot on pop tracks they've ever ventured into but also tagged on with a fiery outro that keeps the noise-pop theme consistent. Over the course of the record they proceed to build nooks and nodes of jagged, smeary, gnarled, scabbed and scarred South Hem punk then knock them down and kick the pieces in every direction. Its a full realization of what they've been heading to these past few years and another damn fine declaration that our waters are spinning the wrong direction up here or at least that there's something magical in those Aussie springs down there.
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