Black Moth Super Rainbow
Tobacco and crew are back with a new album under the cloak of Black Moth and it steps away from the gloss of Eating Us while taking a few pop twists that seem unexpected in the BMSR canon. The prominent singles show the influence of Tobacco's solo work over the last few years, caustic and sickened with glam-chunked fuzz blasts and the melted wick of vocals that seem to accompany most of the Black Moth catalog (though this time they're mixed much higher for some added clarity). But where did those sad and clean country licks come from on "Psychic Love Damage"? It’s a move that fits well with their heart tugging vocal warbles and transitions nicely into the second side's fondness for acoustic guitars and downtempo shuffle. It’s as if the color palette on BMSR's intensity has shifted from shocking oranges and pinks down to the deep blues and purples of a well-deserved pop hangover. Still those hues shimmer with the usual glint of Black Moth's skewed universe and make Cobra Juicy some of the best we’ve heard from this unit in a while.
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