There are bands that are so chaotic and combustible that they burn themselves down before ever getting the praise they're sorely due. Monterey's XYX was just such a band. Their two singles both hit like a kick to the sternum with a mix of post-punk fury, tape-hiss grit and contortion inducing rhythms. The band recorded the songs for Teatro Negro over the course of the past three years. It was recorded, re-recorded, readied for LP, scrapped and resurrected by the good folks at Monofonus Press. The album showcases the duo's elastic growl and double foot pummel of sound that wrestles even the staunchest listener to the ground and takes a one last kick before it walks off into the night. A mixture of dizzying, experimental passages that erupt into fits of howl, clatter and fuzz bass; Teatro Negro is a force that could not die. The album burned too bright to be buried and no matter how many years it took to get to this moment I'm damn glad to see XYX's legacy finally locked to the grooves, waiting for the needle to drop.
[MP3] XYX - Simulador
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