Quest for Fire

Chief among this decade's crop of primal burn psych metal prowlers that have struck a chord with RSTB are the epic structures of Naam and Ancestors, the brutal live incantations of Earthless and now; after their second LP lands, the smoke-ringed crawl of Quest for Fire. Maybe its because the band spawned out of garage roots (members formerly played in The Deadly Snakes), maybe its because they've gleaned a few lessons from Stephen McBean's psych prowess (two members played in a live version of Pink Mountaintops) or maybe its because the band have a way of injecting the malleable headspace of forefathers like Floyd and Hawkwind into a deafening thud of riffs and catharsis. Yeah its probably that last one. Lights from Paradise is a much more powerful and cohesive record than their debut, but it deftly builds on the strengths that made its predecessor an interesting find upon its release and even ads a melodic softness and *gasp* an acoustic element that brings it closer to classic rock territory than most of the rest of Tee Pee's stable. I've yet to experience the Quest live but from the sounds of this record and the band's admitted penchant for extending material it had great potential to be a formidable experience.
[MP3] Quest for Fire - Set Out Alone
[MP3] Quest for Fire - Strange Vacation
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