
International Hello

From the ashes of Monoshock rises International Hello, oddly enough with pretty much the same line up and a not too distant sound that begs the question - "Why the identity crisis?" Still, no matter what they're called, the band picks up the California blown-psych baton, lights it on fire and tosses it to the parched woods just like no time's elapsed. Over the course of four long form tracks the band sift through their Japanese psych inflections, their Krautrock rhythm workouts and their noise floor mop ups; stewing them all into a flayed and frenzied slab of a record that's sure to please Monoshock devotees and newcomers alike. Things take a decidedly spacey turn on the B-side, adding yet another layer of psychic goo to amplifier tortured from the first side. The band forms a six-armed fury that tears itself apart over and over like a human diorama of chaos theory in motion. Each time seems like it has to be the last, as if no more deconstruction can be handled before it all melts to the floor; and yet, each time it begins afresh ready to unhinge again.

[MP3] International Hello - Someone's Coming

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posted by dissensous at 8:00:00 AM


Blogger mdm said...

monoshock lives! thanks for the post.

8:01 AM  

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