Horse Bladder

The contradiction in images that the term Horse Bladder conjures up and that Horse Bladder's music evokes are disparate to say the least. Far from the harsh reality that might live in the literal translation of her moniker, Elaine Kahn's work as Horse Bladder floats in an ether of dreams and smoke obscured horizons. Falling somewhere between the realms of Julianna Barwick's otherworldly repetition and Zola Jesus' dark pop universe, her upcoming cassette, Nicole on Night People is one of the most beautiful releases I've heard all year. Originally started as an offshoot of her previous project 50 Foot Women with Jessi Leigh Swenson, Kahn has definitely made this project her own. The tape's scheduled to come out later this summer and is sure to be wrapped in signature artwork by NP's Shawn Reed. Keep a watch on her Mypace and Night People for more details on the release and check out a few more tracks HERE
[MP3] Horse Bladder - Go Away
Support the artist. Buy it: HERE

Pretty tune, but why "Horse Bladder"? Eww..
Maybe someone nicknamed her that because she can pee like a racehorse. ;)
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