
Acid Eater

We haven't heard a chunk of fuzz this vile since, well, since the last time Yamazaki Maso and crew got together and spat out an Acid Eater record. This time around the Japanese noise freaks tackle a few covers by Crime, The Miracle Workers and a couple others; but as each and every track is coated in a thick debris of distortion fallout that is very much the band's trademark its hard to tell that these were ever anything but Acid Eater songs from the get go. Spiraling out of control through galaxies of organ grind and guitar grease fueled by the energy of a supernova on the verge of collapse, Acid Eater isn't for the faint of heart. Only those who can fully appreciate biker psych as seen through the flames of Kamikaze soul need step to this precipice. Black Fuzz on Wheels may be the most truthful title heard round these parts in some time.

[MP3] Acid Eater - Get Down
[MP3] Acid Eater - Searching for Love

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posted by dissensous at 9:49:00 AM


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