Jerusalem and the Starbaskets

Latest LP from the Missouri group whose shared sides with RSTB faves Wooden Wand and Hush Arbors. Seeping out of the floorboards like the fleeting remnants of last call, Battle of Orchids is full of the kind of hard rubbed country folk that seems more like a lifestyle than an artform. The dust lays thick on each strum laid down here underpinned by a sparse but adequate drumming that propels misery and catharsis alike. Its easy to see why the band would fall in such easy company with artists like James Jackson Toth, they share unbridled honesty and liquor weathered delivery that make each of his songs feel like a confession. Releases are dotted all over the landscape, though most have ended up on The Great Pop Supplement. They've also got a just released 7" out on Destijl. Pick 'em up!
[MP3] Jerusalem and the Starbaskets - Backpockets
[MP3] Jerusalem and the Starbaskets - I Cannot Radiate Without You
Support the artist. Buy it: HERE

I wish bands wouldn't start playing live until they have finished forming. Or at least have written a few songs....
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