Sonny & the Sunsets

More sunny California pop from Sonny & the Sunsets, following up nicely on that 7" that piqued our interest earlier this year. Both of said 7" tracks appear on Tomorrow is Alright, and the tracks that bookend them are equally compelling in their breezy, quirky, skittish humor. With Sonny there's no telling whether the joke's on him or the joke's on you, tongues are poked firmly in cheek while at the same time being so confessionally honest that it catches you off guard. Johnathan Richman and Brian Wilson clasp hands and stumble down hillsides to laugh in the sun and cry in the shade and somehow main Sunsetter Sonny Smith pulls it all off with the charm and conviction of a wizened soul shaking his head at those young bucks that'll never listen and hardly learn. Couldn't hurt a bit that a few RSTB faves show up to help Sonny on his journey; Shayde Sartin, Tim Cohen and John Dwyer all contribute to this fine pop cauldron. Vinyl is limited to 500 pieces; you'd be a fool to sleep on this one.
[MP3] Sonny & the Sunsets - Too Young To Burn
[MP3] Sonny & the Sunsets - Death Cream
Support the artist. Buy it: HERE.

Loved the 7"..I'm really looking forward to hear this LP.
me too
feelin' this
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