Valet // Mexican Summer

Well its pretty much official with this release, Mexican Summer cannot be stopped. They've got the clout and they've certainly got the taste which is only proved further by this limited 12" from Valet. Honey Owens returns to her amorphous state of floating in time, breathing vapor and exhaling the tenderest of hushed tones. Two longer tracks start this off and get you fully engulfed into Owen's subconscious before she absolutely kills on a cover of "Rainbow" by Boris and Michio Kurihara. Mex Summer shows no signs of drought in their upcoming release schedule with 12"s on the horizon from Little Girls, Wooden Shjips Bobby BeauSoleil & The Orkustra and Real Estate (all of which you can take a sneaky peak at below.) More info on the upcoming schedule can be found HERE
[MP3] Valet - Rainbow
Support the artist. Buy it: HERE
Take a sneak peek at:
[MP3] Little Girls - What We Did
[MP3] Wooden Shjips - I Hear the Vibrations (E-Z Version)
[MP3] Real Estate - Suburban Dogs
[MP3] The Orkustra - Flash Gordon

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