
French music's been pegged with a lot of connotations... and a breeding ground for psychedelic garage punk hasn't really ever been one of them. But you know what? Gunslingers are damn sure gonna have a say about that. Rearing their head on a label mostly known for digging up reissues rather than pulling out exceptional new talent, the band reeks of dirty leathers and wet tar but with a strangely occult menace hanging not too far over their heads. Not many bands will grab your attention with a quick dirty rumble and then launch headlong into a 12-minute crazed psych jam with a handle like "Lighter Slinger Festival". Gunslingers though they've got no real rules holding them down, hell this isn't even the only genre the members have mastered, they also tear things apart in the more metal edged Aluk Todo. Extra-curricular activities notwithstanding, its No More Invention is really the best thing they've put together and this album simply throttles from needle drop to run out. Now maybe praise will shift to the new French psychedelia and off the ever-present dance moves.
[MP3] Gunslingers - San Pedro Hallucination
[MP3] Gunslingers - Gigolo Albinos
Support the artist. Buy it: HERE

Speaking of great French garage punk, have you heard the band Jack of Heart? They opened for the Black Lips (performing as The Renegades) here in Atlanta last fall and kicked ass, closing with an insane 10 minute cover of "96 Tears."
I so rarely comment--because I usually don't listen to my downloads until after I've navigated off the site--but I want to tell you that this blog is first-rate. So many bands I would never hear of otherwise, and the hits-to-misses ratio is very high. Thank you for digging up all this wonderful stuff.
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