Heavy Hands

At first listen most would probably flag the derivative card at Heavy Hands and call it a day. They evoke late 70's proto-metal to the very core. Where they pull into their own right is that they do it so completely and so convincingly within the aesthetics of that certain place and time that it blows away so many acts today who simply throw Blue Cheer in as a reference point in their liner notes. Heavy Hands' debut album Smoke Signals could easily be pressed to vinyl, beat up and slipped in amongst a few second tier 70's bands on the shelf; effortlessly fooling a few collectors into finding a long lost gem. From the album art to the dusted recording process, everything about this album echoes a lost generation of amplifier sweat and extended drum solos - which is kind of a beautiful thing. Once the complete package is all taken into consideration it's easy to see why Weeks would slot them in as the first true "rock band" on his Language of Stone label. Oh and Greg I'm serious man this one has to go on vinyl, it would be a travesty not to complete the facade.
[MP3] Heavy Hands - She Got It
[MP3] Heavy Hands - From Stonehenge to Saturn
Support the artist. Buy it: HERE

Well sir, you will be happy to know that vinyl is being pressed for Heavy Hands as I type. And for that matter, Mythical Beast will be hittin' 12 inches in the coming months.
That's wonderful news, Mr. Weeks. I am most grateful and will definitely be lining up to grab my vinyl copies. Again much love for one of the greatest labels around. -D
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