James Jackson Toth

Shedding the last remnants of his Wooden Wand persona, Toth builds further on the vibe he started on James and the Quiet; trading his shack burnt vagabond folk for more traditional songcraft and classic rock echoes. This record is the first that really bleeds through with Toth's Memphis surroundings. Definitely dappled in southern charm; with touches of Tom Petty on a few of the rockers and collaborations with wife Jex making for one of the most natural pairings since Gram Parsons and Emmy Lou. Waiting in Vain benefits from its communal and collaborative vibe. Toth brought in folk veteran and RSTB fave Shade Sartin (Giant Skyflower/Sky High Band) as bassist, featured guitar contributions from Nels Cline, Andy Cabic and John Dietrich, rounded things out with the organic percussion of Otto Hauser (Vetiver) and taped it all under the watchful eye of Steve Fisk. Though some may have a hard time letting Toth leave the banner of psych-folk for these more traditional pastures it should come as no real surprise. The structures and songwriting have always been there under the fuzz, but it's only now that James has let the bittersweet sheen bring them out into the air.
[MP3] James Jackson Toth - Doreen
[MP3] James Jackson Toth - Midnight Watchman
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