Refrigerator Mothers

Deriving their name from a fifties term that blamed Autism on poor parenting, this rotating collective of 20 odd players is led by Carl F. Off. Delving into the darker side of the middle-eastern tonality and splicing it up with ample use of percussion, effects and some electronic trickery, Ghosts of a Primitive World sounds surprisingly similar to just what the title suggests. Voices fade and chant, the constant thunder of drums threatens, drones rumble menacingly; a market tableau rises into vision and is shrewdly scrambled by electronic interference. I'd have to say that these chaps have read up on their Sun City Girls and Current 93 while staking out their own right in the narrow display of twisted world influences. Head on over to hop-frog to pick this one up. .
[MP3] Refrigerator Mothers - Tied in Sacks
[MP3] Refrigerator Mothers - Arab National Anthem [Acoustic 7'' Version]
Support the artist. Buy it HERE

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